Blood Clots Safety

Blood Clots or (Venous Thromboembolism – VTE)

Recent recommendations issued by The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) look to reduce maternal mortality due to blood clots. These recommendations provide risk factors, such as history of VTE, obesity, hypertension and smoking, as well as risk prevention treatments.

Additionally, the recommendations discuss the value of monitoring and how to treat suspected or acute cases of VTE. “Fortunately,” says Dr. Andra James (Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, University of Virginia School of Medicine), “risk factors for VTE can be reduced by simple and cost-effective measures, such as fitting inflatable compression devices on a woman’s legs before cesarean delivery and using inflatable compression sleeves until the woman is able to walk after delivery.”

PPAHS, together with healthcare experts and patient safety advocates, has developed a succinct checklist targeting VTE for women following cesarean and vaginal delivery, and the extension of prophylaxis post-discharge.

Additionally, PPAHS has developed the Stroke VTE Safety Recommendations and has been actively involved in proposing solutions to prevent blood clots resulting from:

  • Amniotic fluid embolism
  • Birth Control
  • Orthopedic surgery
  • COVID-19

9 thoughts on “Blood Clots Safety

  1. I am having problems walking. I can’t feel my legs from my knees down. They are tingling. and it’s painful to stand. I just give up walking all together. I’ve informed my doctor but I’m wondering if I should put myself in a hospital to have proper tests done. I am 60 years old and had a triple bypass in 17. And have stenosis from back injuries from being a garbage man 30 year’s.

  2. Hello my name is Jaspreet kaur and I am 36 years old . Last year during my pregnancy I have blood clots in my brain. My left side numbness head to toes and I son time to much pain . During delivery I had minor stock as well . I am on warfarin and now I am able to walk

      1. I have had arthritis since my 30’s &earlier, 6 months ago,had stroke affecting my cerebellum, that’s balance & coordination after physical therapy much better.. Now my knee is hurting unable to put .my weight on it to painful.
        Thank you,
        Janice Elaine Killen
        Corpus Christi TX

  3. I have 10 spots of blood clots on my stomach only also treatment with doctor and he give me some tablets and 2 ointment but not recovery after 20 day’s , so what doing now please reply me if any correct medicine given by you.

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