Tag: virtual patient care

Building a Better Virtual Patient Care Website

UPDATE: December 8, 2020

We are pleased to announce the launch of the new Virtual Patient Care website and chat line.

We hope that you’ll like the new streamlined look and resources.

We apologize for the inconvenience and unavailability of the Virtual Patient Care website.

We are building a better website to help better serve our patients.

Source: medical video visits by Bold Yellow from the Noun Project



Questions We’d Love to Answer on Virtual Patient Care, but Can’t

Questions We’d Love to Answer on Virtual Patient Care, but Can’t

By Michael Wong (Founder/Executive Director, Physician-Patient Alliance for Health & Safety), Lynn G. Razzano, RN, MSN, ONC, CMSRN (Clinical Nurse Consultant, PPAHS), and Thereza B. Ayad, RN, MSN, DNP, CNOR (Clinical Nurse Consultant, PPAHS)

Virtual Patient Care Launched to Help Patients

We started Virtual Patient Care to help patients during the current COVID pandemic. Helping patients is what motivated BMS-Pfizer Alliance to provide us with grant support. Helping patients is why the American Heart Association, AC Forum, Heart Rhythm Society, StopAfib.org, Mended Hearts, and Preventive Cardiovascular Nurses Association have provided such great support and help for Virtual Patient Care. To read the press release on Virtual Patient Care, click here.

Since we launched Virtual Patient Care, we have received many questions from patients asking us to diagnose their ailments or asking us to explain why a certain treatment or medication isn’t curing them.

Continue reading “Questions We’d Love to Answer on Virtual Patient Care, but Can’t”