The Case for Continuous Surveillance Monitoring and Real-Time Analytics

In this article which was published in Healthcare Business Today, Michael Wong, JD (Founder and Executive Director, Physician-Patient Alliance for Health & Safety) makes the case for continuous surveillance monitoring and real-time analytics.

The successful implementation of continuous surveillance monitoring may have substantial patient benefits. Unfortunately, analyzing notifications from individual medical devices, reliance on physical spot checks of patients, and the lack of rules-based advanced analytics to assess a patient’s current condition in real-time or to identify signs of deterioration is a goal that many hospitals and health systems still have not attained.

One of the impediments to use of continuous surveillance monitoring is alarm fatigue.

In a recent clinical education podcast, “Improving Patient Safety and Reducing Alarm Fatigue,” Leah Baron, MD (Chief of The Department of Anesthesiology, Virtua Memorial Hospital) spoke with Mr. Wong about the experience of Virtua Memorial Hospital in improving patient safety and reducing alarm fatigue.

To read the article on Healthcare Business Today, please click here.

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