67% Believe COVID-19 Will Increase Malpractice Claims

67% Believe COVID-19 Will Increase Malpractice Claims

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the economy and businesses. A recent McKinsey & Company survey of 200 organizations across industries found that “more than 90 percent of executives said they expect the fallout from COVID-19 to fundamentally change the way they do business over the next five years, with almost as many asserting that the crisis will have a lasting impact on their customers’ needs.“

To better understand how the COVID-19 pandemic may impact liability and malpractice claims, the Physician-Patient Alliance for Health & Safety conducted an online survey from October 8-15, 2020 with its followers.  

To read our full survey report, please click on the link below:

One thought on “67% Believe COVID-19 Will Increase Malpractice Claims

  1. Admit I didn’t read the question, but that is the expected result. More claims, what is the origin of the expected increase in claims?
    I do not believe interested parties are thinking more than 6 months out. COVID-19 will present professional liability issues 5 years out and perhaps longer.
    Nursing homes are only a small recipient of potential claims
    Of interest are the states that passed laws preventing actions against COVID-19 Healthcare personnel.
    I know doctors setting up MRI facilities in anticipation of COVID-19 complications.

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