Blood Clot Awareness Can Save a Life!

Blood Clot Awareness Can Save a Life!

The month of March is blood clot awareness month. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention): 

Anyone can be affected by a blood clot regardless of age, gender, or race. This Blood Clot Awareness Month, learn the signs and symptoms of a blood clot and find free resources to share with friends, family, and colleagues to help raise awareness about blood clots.

Prevent Blood Clots in Maternal Patients

To prevent blood clots, we offer two safety checklists.

One of which was developed a panel of experts brought together by PPAHS to prevent blood clots in maternal patients.

The OB VTE Safety Recommendations provide four concise steps that:

  • Assess patients for VTE risk with an easy to use automated scoring system
  • Provide the recommended prophylaxis regimen, depending on whether the mother is antepartum or postpartum.
  • Reassesses the patient every 24 hours or upon the occurrence of a significant event, like surgery.
  • Ensures that the mother is provided appropriate VTE prevention education upon hospital discharge.

To download a free copy of the OB VTE Safety Recommendations, please click here.

Blood Clot Awareness for Stroke Patients

The Stroke VTE Safety Recommendations may help reduce death and disability among stroke victims due to VTE. Developed by a group of leading neurological health and patient safety experts brought together by the Physician-Patient Alliance for Health & Safety, the Stroke VTE Safety Recommendations provide four concise steps that:

  • Assess all admitted patients with a stroke or rule out stroke diagnosis for VTE risk with an easy to use checklist.
  • Provide the recommended prophylaxis regimen, which includes the use of mechanical prophylaxis and anticoagulant therapy.
  • Reassesses the patient every 24 hours, prior to any surgical or procedural intervention or change in the patient’s condition.
  • Ensure that the patient is provided appropriate VTE instructions and information upon hospital discharge or transition to rehabilitation.

The Stroke VTE Safety Recommendations can be viewed by clicking here.


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